options VERIFIED_EXEC #uncomment following 2 lines if you like verbose debugging #options VERIFIED_EXEC_DEBUG #options VERIFIED_EXEC_DEBUG_VERBOSE pseudo-device verifiedexec 1to your kernel configuration and recompile a new Kernel and Userland.
cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV veriexec
veriexecctl /etc/signaturesto
sysctl kern.securelevel
, once the level has securelevel
option in \$Id: veriexec.html,v 1.30 2014/08/21 09:24:05 stefan Exp $Autor: Stefan Schumacher für net-tex.de/cryptomancer.de, PGP-Key 0xB3FBAE33
$Log: veriexec.html,v $ Revision 1.30 2014/08/21 09:24:05 stefan Umlaute und Makefile clean up